會來到這家店是因為同學們的介紹 其實一開始也是興致缺缺 想說漢堡就是漢堡能有多好吃嗎

呈現一個漢堡吃太多 完全吸引不了我這樣

但因為也不知道要吃什麼 速食店又是最便宜的選擇(我是指外食)

只好拖著不是很想去的身軀來到了Five guys

Five guys在芝加哥共有五間

我們去的是位於芝加哥Rooselvet站(紅、綠、橘線皆可到)的旁邊 一下車走路約不到五分鐘就到了


有關The Five Guys Story的故事

The Five Guys Story 
Five Guys has been a Washington, DC area favorite since 1986 when Jerry and Janie Murrell offered sage advice to the four young Murrell brothers: "Start a business or go to college."The business route won and the Murrell family opened a carry-out burger joint in Alexandria, Virginia.

Under the guidance of Jerry and Janie, the Murrell family served only hand-formed burgers cooked to perfection on a grill along with fresh-cut fries cooked in pure peanut oil. The little burger joint quickly developed a cult-like following. Press paid attention. Customers voted the burger"#1" in the metro area.

During the 1980's and 1990's the Murrell family perfected their simple system. Five Guys was The Place to get a fresh, juicy burger with all the toppings you could stuff between fresh-baked buns. A fifth brother was born and, as their family grew, so did their business. Four more restaurants with sit-down seating were added to accommodate the growing clientele.

Early in 2003 Jerry and Janie, together with the five"guys" began offering franchise opportunities. In just under 18 months, Five Guys Enterprises sold options for over 300 units. The overwhelming success of franchising a local restaurant made national news with articles in trade publications such as Nation's Restaurant News, Restaurant Business Magazine, and the Franchise Times.

Now, over 20 years after Five Guys first opened, there are over 1,000 locations nationwide and over 1500 units in development. Five Guys continues to receive media attention and has grown a cult-like following around the world. 


其實我對這句→ "Start a business or go to college." 印象還滿深刻的 

這就是人生的選擇 一種賭注 誰也不知道將來會發生什麼事 他們大概也萬萬沒有想到他們的企業能夠就因為這樣擴展開來

店內裝潢與一般速食店差不多 沒有特別的裝潢 主要以紅、白為主

 (這...這怎麼讓我想起當年的綜藝節目 紅白勝利哪!!看過的快喊又!!!不小心透漏年紀這樣)


來這邊點餐千萬別僥倖自己英文不會還可以用手指指圖片 這裡可沒有精美圖片給你看

因為這裡就是以"客製化"出名哪!!! 酷吧酷吧  什麼是客製化的漢堡 愛吃鬼羅西你說說看你說說看阿

羅西聽說: 根據Davis(1989)定義客製化的基本概念,及運用資訊技術已大量生產生產成本,生產個人化設計的產品,已

看不懂堆不堆?沒錯! 羅西也看不懂 簡單講就是你要漢堡要加什麼就點什麼啦  ㄎㄎ

討厭洋蔥那就不要加呀 超愛蘑菇的就給他加到爆呀 你喜歡什麼公司就做做出什麼以達到您的需求 就是這麼簡單

1.準備好可以查單字的工具 看是要1公斤重的紙本字典還是要0.76克的袖珍字典或是i-pad、手機
   能查英文單字的都好 站在櫃台慢慢查 然後被大家瞪死這樣←都講成這樣了你還敢做嗎 哈哈哈

2.先在家裡查他們的菜單 網路上就有囉 請點這→Five Guys Menu
   或是羅西姊姊大好人 幫你們找好了 直接在這邊看

開放式的廚房 整潔度都看的到 不用怕員工把你的漢堡掉地上還拿起來擺回去


還可以看到漢堡堡們在排隊 每一個都會不太一樣 真的很酷 

薯條也在排隊中 好期待呀!!!! 



 我點小漢堡 還是很大呀!!!!所以女生捧油們 點小的就ok囉 

什麼?你們問說可是我(女生)食量很大怕不飽怎麼辦 放心啦羅西食量絕對不比你們小 


這還只是份regular一般薯條 一個杯子還不夠 整個都炸出來了 保證飽飽飽




我看到這個都笑了 哈哈哈 一箱一箱的花生請自取 超可愛的這個

總結來說 我很喜歡他們的漢堡!!!那個漢堡肉好好吃呀!!!!好鮮嫩多汁 這就是我要的juicy juicy嘛(羞)

但是薯條就不是我愛的那種了 他比較偏軟 人家喜歡吃脆脆的薯條嘛 


我絕對 保證 會再來吃一遍他們的漢堡 換不同配料試試看 這樣就不用怕吃膩呀

話說 飲料是無限續杯喔喔喔 好捧油們 你們一起點一杯就好溜 這是窮學生的撇步啦...哈

South Loop
1146 S Wabash
Chicago, IL 60605

Phone: 312-431-8140

Hours: 11am-10pm Every Day

Lincoln Park 
2140 N. Clybourn
Chicago, IL 60614

Phone: 773-883-6038

Hours: 11am-10pm Every Day

Clark & Fullerton 
2368 N. Clark Street, Unit 1
Chicago, IL 60614

Phone: 773-883-8930

Hours: 11am-10pm Sun-Thurs; 11am-3am Fri-Sat

3219 North Broadway
Chicago, IL 60657

Phone: 773-327-1453

Hours: 11am - 10pm Sunday - Thursday; 11am - 3 am Friday & Saturday

非常大方的附贈FIve Guys在芝加哥地理位置及地址、電話給各位




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