

沒有錯今兒個就是羅西解饞時間 雖然在芝加哥(Chicago)有中國城(China Town)可以買珍珠奶茶

但一杯實在不便宜折回台幣約100~130元不等 雖然比起在這邊其他飲料已經算不貴了


於是乎在我在家(我住homestay)中的櫥櫃中 發現這包寫著大大字的珍珠粉圓 就興奮得不得了!!!!

揉揉眼睛 看一看 是不是看錯了

嘿對!但眼睛在睜開一遍的時候 它還是珍珠粉圓 我就決定相信它了 (我並沒有打算毆打自己 試探是不是在做夢)

於是檢查一下冰箱 牛奶有 非常好

再檢查一下茶包(或茶葉) 是的我有紅茶包 非常好

再來瞧瞧有沒有黑糖 喔唷喔唷 什麼都有了

再來看看有沒有杯子 廢話當然有

最後最重要的來了 粗吸管!!!!!  天啊~~~~~沒想到竟然有

看到有這粗吸管 我眼淚都要掉下來了 這在這裡可是不常見的哪!!!!!!我愛我的HOMESTAY 

Bubble milk tea also known as Pearl Milk Tea. Bubble milk tea originates from Taiwan and is a mixture of black tea, milk, and tapioca pearls. The combination of fragrant tea and chewy tapioca has made this beverage popular not only in Taiwan but also in other countries. In many Chinatowns across the world, you can find this refreshing beverage.

I really liked to drink bubble milk tea when I was in Taiwan. In Taiwan, you can find this kind of store on almost every block. However, it’s hard to find one in the U.S.A. That’s why I want to make this drink by myself so I can drink it whenever I want. Furthermore, I want to teach you how to make it. It’s easy, simple, and delicious. 


雖然剛剛都把食材講完了 但在這在整理一遍給大家看吧

珍珠奶茶食材(1-2人份-16 oz)

1.珍珠(粉圓).............................想吃多少取多少(就跟妳去飲料店點 會說我要多珍珠或少珍珠一樣)
2.黑糖......................................4匙煮珍珠+4匙泡奶茶 想吃多甜可自己調整(也請記得每家牛奶甜度不同 不要忘記考量)
3.牛奶......................................用1:1去想 想奶味重一點的就加多一點 想茶味重的就少一點(台灣的朋友我推薦福樂全脂一番鮮←好喝呀)
4.紅茶、綠茶、烏龍茶..............茶包兩包 喜歡什麼就煮什麼

Ingredients(1-2 person- 16 oz)
1. tapioca pearls(instant).....................................3/4cup
2.brown sugar(or sugar syrup).....................4tbsp for cooking  tapioca pearls, 4tbsp for milk tea( (more or less to taste)
3.milk..................................................................4 oz tea, green tea, oolong tea bag(leaves).......2 bags  


每種珍珠粉圓屬性不同 有即時的 有乾燥的

煮之前要看一下說明喔 我這次用的是即時快速版滴:)

再來是珍珠奶茶是很客製化的 所以以上看似有講跟沒講差不多 但是重點是每個人口味不同

老娘說我是螞蟻黑糖加了100匙都嫌不夠未必適合你 或是我就是不喜歡甜我說加1匙 你可能會跟我說這是什麼東西啊

但放心 下面都會有照片 完全沒有概念的人還可以看著圖片參考一下比例



1.首先先煮兩鍋水至沸騰(一鍋煮粉圓用 一鍋煮紅茶用)

1.Boil water in 2 pots. (one for tapioca pearls, the other one for black tea)

2.紅茶部分→等至水沸騰 紅茶兩包下其中一鍋繼續煮約3分鐘 並將紅茶包稍微上下拉移 讓紅茶的味道出來
※切記不要去壓擠紅茶包 否則紅茶的澀味會跑出來 

2.Black tea: Add 2 bags of black tea into boiling water for 3 minutes. Dip the tea bags to steep it.( Let black tea more tasty.) Turn off the flame.
※Don’t squeeze the bags; otherwise, it makes black tea bitter.

3.珍珠粉圓部分→等至水沸騰 倒入適量珍珠粉圓 持續攪拌以免黏鍋 

                             當珍珠都浮起後 轉中小火加入約4匙黑糖開始悶煮約10分鐘

3.Tapioca pearls:
(1)Add the tapioca pearls to the boiling water. Stir the tapioca pearls with a wooden spoon to keep them from sticking to the bottom or sides of the pan. Continue stirring the mixture until the tapioca pearls float to the top.
(2)Then turn the heat down to low and add 4 tbsp brown sugar. 
(3)Continue Boiling the tapioca pearls for 5 minutes with the cover on. Open the lid, stir the tapioca pearls and replace the lid. Cook the tapioca pearls for an additional 5 minutes.

(Test the tapioca pearls for doneness. If those are jelly-like all the way through, they are ready. If those are still dry in the middle, cook for a few more minutes.)

 (一般都是煮完先進入以下步驟4~5 最後才加入和珍珠份量比起來的約1/5的2砂糖攪拌 
  但我是因為煮完就要自己吃喝光光 所以跟一般會看到的流程不一樣)


 煮的過程中珍珠粉圓會變得好圓好大 好可愛


4.倒入冷(冰)水內讓珍珠降溫 約泡個10秒  

這步驟很重要喔!一來讓珍珠口感較有彈性 二來珍珠不會變軟爛到最後黏成一坨

4.Drain out the hot water and soak in cold(iced) water.
※This step can let tapioca pearls taste more chewy and not be too soft and sticky.  



5.Drain out the cold(iced) water.

6.準備大杯子 開始調自己喜歡的奶茶味道 


 個人是用16oz大杯子 牛奶:茶 1:2 外加4匙黑糖

6.Make your favorite tea drink. For example, 16 oz milk tea, milk: tea 1:2 and add 4~6tbsp brown sugar.
If you want to drink it hot, heat the milk up but don’t boil it.
If you want to drink it cold, add some ice.


7.最後全部倒入大杯子中 自己幫自己做的珍珠奶茶 也就是客製化奶茶也就完成啦

   一杯在美國可是不便宜的喔 大家快來跟我買(笑)

7.Add them to your favorite bubble tea drink and drink it!!!!

 喝拎喝拎喝拎呀~~~~太幸福了我 花乎~~~~

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